Thought Field Therapy


Pioneered by Dr Roger Callahan Clinical Psychologist in the late 1970’s. 

TFT is a treatment for Psychological Disturbances, using Psychology, Chinese Acupressure points without the needles and Kinesiology. 

Once the person is attuned in the Thought Field, tapping begins with the fingertips and this can collapse and eliminate the problem, quickly and painlessly.

A powerful tool with

exceptional results


You think of the problem by feeling the emotion, visualising it or hearing it (disclosure is not required). 

Consider a combination lock, you may know all the numbers but if you don’t apply the numbers in the correct sequence the lock won’t open. 

TFT uses the same principle by tapping the acupressure points (the code) and almost like magic the emotional, physical or psychological disturbance disappears.


 Activating the Energy Meridian system with the correct en-coding eliminates the psychological problem

 TFT can quiet the storm a tranquilising effect and lets you get on with your life in a positive light

 Memories no longer have the emotional strangle hold, control or power over your life

Book an appointment with Mate Stone using Setmore

DISCLAIMER: Any concerns or questions regarding your personal health, please seek the advice of your Medical Doctor.  Mate Stone is a Certified Practitioner in Callahan Techniques TFT®-dx offering Alternative Holistic Healing.