9 Star Ki Predictions

Made in 1924 by Shinjiro Sonoda (1876-1961) in Edo, Japan from traditional Chinese divination and geomancy methods.

9 Star Ki looks at patterns of yin and yang energy in our environment and over time understanding how these energy movements affect each of us.

This is an ancient modality of understanding our energetic tendencies, understanding our patterns of behaviour, managing our destiny.

Follow this nine year cycle of energies and be moved by the future predictions.

There’s an energy imprinted in each year of your life that brings new and different kinds of opportunities and experiences - in your career, relationships, and life lessons all designed to help you move into the next stage of your personal evolution.

When you discover the meanings and messages, hidden within the year, you will see why things are

happening the way they are, then you’ll begin to flow with the changes, in harmony.

Origin of 9 Star Ki is unknown.

Think about this, people were using it already 8500 years before our counting. There have even been many indications that 9 Star Ki existed in Tibet and in India with variation of name changes.

In modern times 9 Star Ki was used in China, then simplified in Japan and renamed.

In China, humans were said to be closely related to the atmosphere, for they live and spend their whole life in the atmosphere.

The Chinese observed many human patterns but more importantly atmospheric patterns every nine years. Based on this a calendar was created and it was possible to ascertain a new born child’s innate personality, potential and challenges on this nine year cycle.

It is said that your fortune depends on the atmosphere in which you live your life regardless of your efforts.

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