Soul Regression
Spend the day in the good company of your Soul
John Morton

Death is NOT the End
Death is a topic that often fills our hearts with sorrow and leaves us longing for the presence of our loved ones.
Pain cuts deep into the heart and can leave many people with severe depression and a sense of hopelessness.
I’m here to tell you death is not the end; rather, it is merely a transition, not a conclusion.
Through hypnosis, you can re-unite with your loved ones, find comfort as well as closure.
Diving deep into the subconscious mind to bring about profound transformation as you see that death is not the end of our existence, instead, it is a transition to a different realm of time and space.
Follow your soul’s journey as many other clients have gone before you.
Through the deep state of relaxation and heightened awareness, you will begin to feel calm and with my guidance, gently and slowly move back in time.
Prepare yourself for a beautiful and awe-inspiring experience that leaves you with a sense of peace, unconditional love and renewed hope.
The bond you share with your loved ones transcends the boundaries of life and death.
We are all connected as souls and most importantly…we are never alone.
While our loved ones physical presence may be absent, our loved ones essence lives on within us, guiding and inspiring us every step of the way.
Soul Regression can bring comfort to all who have experienced loss and help them find solace in the belief that
death is merely a transition, not an end.

Soul Regression also known as Life between lives journey.
Under deep hypnosis, it can take you back to the spirit world and give you a unique look at your Souls’ journey.
We are all made up of energy and we are always connected…
Discover your true life purpose and why you chose this life
Meet your spirit guide
Meet your loved ones who passed into spirit before you
Meet the Ascended Masters also known as the Wise Ones or the Council of Elders’ or the Guides.
Discover the identity of your Soul Mate.
Discover who is in your immediate Soul family from the beginning of time.
Discover who the other Souls are in your Pod Family.
Uncover the truth about our Soul - Death is not the end because our Soul moves in cycles - like changing your clothes.
As multi-dimensional energy discover if you have ever lived on other planets…uncover you Souls journey.
Highly recommend watching:
Dr Michael Newtons video on ‘Life between Lives’ and the listen to his free Audio book
And so many more revelations ….