Dr Robert Bray:
Here are 10 reasons why I love Thought Field Therapy
(and you should, too):
It’s easy and fast. When it comes to TFT, your socio-economic status is irrelevant. Anyone can do it. Anyone. And most people experience relief from their troubling thoughts within just a few minutes of trying it. Watch this free video to learn the most basic tapping pattern and to try it yourself.
It’s empowering. You don’t need a professional to get started. There’s no secret formula or crazy buy-in. Once you know the basic pattern, you’ll be able to use it on yourself, without having to schedule an appointment with a professional.
It doesn’t require any talking. In traditional therapy, you are often encouraged to talk about the same traumatic experience over and over, which can be overwhelming and unhelpful for a lot of people. TFT is different. Just thinking about the traumatic experience and how it made you feel is enough to be able to use TFT effectively.
It’s 100% drug free. Plus, there are no side effects like you’d expect from traditional medication or other treatment methods.
It’s painless. Since you can’t harm yourself with Thought Field Therapy, you literally have nothing to lose by trying it. Even if it doesn’t work for you, you will be no worse off than you are now so why not go ahead and give it a whirl?
You can do it anywhere. Have you ever experienced extreme anxiety in the car, in a large crowd of people, or in a classroom? If you have, you probably found yourself wishing that there was something you could do in the moment, that would help you to better manage the situation. Well, TFT can do that. You can use the tapping patterns, anytime, anywhere, to experience immediate relief and allow you to better assess the situation and react in a healthy way.
You can share it with your loved ones. Once you know the basic tapping pattern and have experienced relief yourself, it’s time to pass on what you’ve learned. People who already love and trust you are more likely to believe you when you share your own success story, allowing you to help them find freedom and relief, too. There aren’t very many evidence-based therapeutic treatments out there that don’t require an appointment with a practitioner. Take advantage of this!
You can use it professionally. If you’re a therapist, doctor, police officer, paramedic, firefighter, minister, nurse or in any other position that requires working with people in crisis, Thought Field Therapy can be extremely useful in your professional life. You can use it alongside traditional therapeutic methods or all by itself. There are thousands of crisis-intervention professionals around the world that use it regularly to help the people they work with reduce anxiety, rage, depression and so many other common challenges. On my YouTube channel I have almost 100 videos (and I’m adding more weekly) that show you how to use TFT for various issues. Please, take a look and learn about this powerful healing technique.
It’s easy to get certified. Once you have the basics down, you can learn how to take TFT to a completely different level by becoming a certified TFT practitioner without ever leaving your home. Learn more about our online training course here.
It’s easy to build on the basics. Once you know the basic tapping algorithm for anxiety, building upon that foundation is simple. Start by watching my YouTube videos. Then, download my app and read my book. Once you’ve done that, consider the online training course or one of our live training courses.
There are way more than 10 reasons to love Thought Field Therapy but this is a great start. If you’re convinced, click here to try TFT now.
Sourced from https://rlbray.com/2017/08/10/i-love-thought-field-therapy/