Past Life Regression Therapy & Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression

Spiritual hypnotherapy utilises hypnotherapy techniques to access the wisdom of our Higher Self or Soul, in a process of discovery and insight. In my work as a spiritual hypnotherapist I facilitate sessions for PLR and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression.

Whether you decide to explore this work for the purposes of healing for clarity and understanding about certain aspects of your life, or for reasons of curiosity, the results will be empowering and transformative.

To have an experience of ourselves as a spiritual being, having a human experience, changes the way we feel about death which therefore changes how we live life. The result is liberating, freeing us up to inhabit our lives with more joy and freedom.

Some FAQ’S

What are the benefits of having a Life Between Lives™ Session?

A Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression session is a profound exploration of the soul memories you have acquired across lifetimes. It is an experience of your own immortal identity as a soul, that enduring spiritual essence that is you, which brings insights from that higher perspective to help you live a more fulfilled life, one that is in line with your unique purpose.

People say that the experience is amazing and truly changes the way they feel about their life and themselves. Connecting to the wisdom of your soul self and integrating that into your current life is empowering and transformative. The insight gained helps you meet and understand your challenges and life lessons within the broader context of your purpose for this incarnation.

What happens in a Life Between Lives™ Session?

The LBL session is usually experienced as a journey, remembering the trip back ‘home’ to the spirit real having moved through the point of death in a Past Life incarnation. In the Spirit realm people are lovingly greeted by their guides, and have experiences that are deeply personal, enlightening and always positive; such as visiting their Council of Elders, connecting with their soul group or understanding the life selection process.

It is a safe and comfortable process that enables you to connect to the deeper layers of your consciousness in order to access soul state memories.

The session goes for approximately 3 – 5 hours, and it is often surprising how quickly the journey goes because when in trance, ordinary time becomes elastic and it feels like time passes differently.