Grief is not just dealing with the loss of love, it’s the abandonment.
It’s the realisation… Everyone will leave me.
It’s the ongoing fear of investing your heart and soul, into all-consuming love, lest that person leave you too.
Grief is not just loss of love, it’s the terror of loving again, just in case.
It’s the walls built to protect the heart, walls which unknowingly starve that very heart you protect, of the one thing it needs, love.
But here’s the thing…love does not fade, it can’t be lost. It remains.
Even when the person you had that love for is no more. You love them still. You always will.
And here’s another thing…they didn’t leave you, not really. You know this to be true.
Listen, feel, watch, they are with you now. They will be with you always.
Grief may feel like the dying of the soul while the body still lives, but you are alive my friend.
And they are not, and they do not want you to be with them yet. They very much want you to live.
Do not fear the grief you feel, it’s just love roaring around in pain. It’s just love, with nowhere to go.
So give it somewhere to go.
Donna Ashworh