You can bring with you a list of questions you would like to address, including childhood issues, health concerns, negative relationships, addictions, unwanted patterns, financial situation, life decisions, questions about the future, problems a family member or close friend is having, etc.
Setting the intention to have a great session. Your Subconscious knows everything about you and will know that you have planned a PLR session, so it will be ready to communicate what is needed when the time comes. It is important to understand that your conscious self will be taking a back seat during the session, so the more you welcome a conversation with the Subconscious before the session, the better prepared you will be.
No consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs for 24 hours before your session. The clearer your mind, the better your session will be.
Please eat well but light before you come in. It doesn’t help when you feel hungry.
Setting the scene
After experiencing a successful Past Life Regression it’s time to set the scene
The Soul Regression session is digitally recorded for your purpose to later analyse or refresh your memory of your journey. It is anticipated that your recording will be available within 24 hours.
Disclaimer: Behind the Veil Hypnotherapy makes every effort to supply a recording of the session, however in the unlikely event of a malfunction occurring with the electronic recording through no fault of the Therapist, a ‘no liability ' policy is invoked.